Saturday, April 4, 2009

Le Book

This has been a very funny video --- It is very interesting how this can be very similar to teachers who are computer "iliterate" to put it in simple terms. Just like the priest didn't know how to use/open the book, many elder people feel like that when using a computer, but I have to admit that it isn't only the older people that have a problem using computer, I myslef have that problem sometimes when using that computer, and if when placed in a school to teach, a website is required, I will have a bit of a problem because even thou there are free websites like scholastic, it is not so easy, it is a bit complicated. But aside from that, like I said at the beggining, Le Book video is very very funny

1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed this.

    It shows how something (no matter how sinple it seems to one person) can be tough to get used to.

    Thanks for posting!
